[DBD] Clan
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GIR thread

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GIR thread Empty GIR thread

Post  [DBD]GIR[R] 28th October 2008, 12:48 am

Name:TJ Boeckman (pronounced bekman)

In Game Name:[DBD]GIR[R]


Location: Rio Rancho, NM

Who recruited you? Thompson 85, Remnents

What [DBD] members have you played with?thompson, hardcell, mikassio, remnents, freedom to kill, durano

Why do you want to join [DBD]? fun server like the maps and most of the patch Wink good community feeling, and would also like to know if i could help manage the site.


Number of posts : 9
Registration date : 2008-10-26

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GIR thread Empty Re: GIR thread

Post  Thomson85 28th October 2008, 1:47 am

Ummm... this shit is funny

Thompson, Remnents, durano

Thomson85, Remenents, Durando Wink

And welcome! And also, Freedom and myself manage the site, I don't think at this particular time we need any help managing it! But thanks! Very Happy

Number of posts : 1087
Age : 39
Location : Hemet, Ca
Registration date : 2008-09-11


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GIR thread Empty Re: GIR thread

Post  Thomson85 29th October 2008, 12:15 am


Welcome to [DBD]

You are a recruit under review by all current members. This thread, your recruitment thread, is to be used for people to welcome you into the clan, but also for members to post any good or bad opinions on your gameplay, in-game performance, attitude, mic usage, etc......

Once again, welcome to the clan, wear the tag with pride, and remember the more active you are, the quicker your recruitment phase will be and the faster you will be promoted!

Make sure to get GSC and get on and chat with us www.dbdvoice.tk . Any questions, hit me up on steam or PM me on here.

Also, go to www.dbdclan.com and go to the download section for a list of all the things we recommend and use....GSC is on there... click a logo to download the application.

We also HIGHLY recommend you try our custom insurgency patch at: www.dbdpatch.tk, as of now, you might wait until around the 18th to download it, because [b]thats when we release our newest version V0.2 "Insurgency: DBD Edition"

Just be respectful of all players, especially [DBD] and -||ScK||- members. Get GSC so we can get to chatting while playing

Have any questions PM (Private Message) me on here or hit me up on steam! Enjoy

Also post in the forums...

if you've downloaded the patch, tell us what you thought of it under the TECH section of the forums!

Number of posts : 1087
Age : 39
Location : Hemet, Ca
Registration date : 2008-09-11


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GIR thread Empty Re: GIR thread

Post  FreedomToKill 29th October 2008, 2:31 am

good to have you here gir Cool

Number of posts : 168
Age : 39
Location : Canada
Registration date : 2008-09-11


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